Rabu, 25 Juli 2007

East Kalimantan

East Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Timur abbrv. Kaltim) is Indonesian province on the east of Borneo island. The resource-rich province has two major cities, Samarinda (the capital and a center for timber product) and Balikpapan (a petroleum center with oil refinery). Ever since Indonesia opened its mineral and natural resources for foreign investment in 1970s, East Kalimantan province has experienced major boost of timber, petroleum and other exotic forest products. The state-owned petroleum company Pertamina has been operated in the area since it took control oil refinery from the Royal Dutch Shell company in 1965.

The population is a mixture of people from the Indonesian archipelago with Dayaks and Kutai as indigenous ethnic groups living in rural areas. Prominent other migrant ethnic groups include Javanese, Chinese, Banjarese, Bugis and Malays, of which mostly live in coastal areas.


This province known as the location of the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia, Kutai, the existence of which is attested to by a stone manuscript, or Prasasti, which is now kept in the National Museum in Jakarta. The manuscript is written in the Pallawa alphabet and the Sanskrit language. The replica of this manuscript can be seen in the Governor's Office in Samarinda.


East Kalimantan is divided into 9 regencies and 4 cities.
The regencies are:

  1. Pasir Regency
  2. Penajam Paser Utara Regency
  3. Kutai Kartanegara Regency
  4. West Kutai Regency
  5. East Kutai Regency
  6. Bulungan Regency
  7. Berau Regency
  8. Malinau Regency
  9. Nunukan Regency

The cities are:

  1. Balikpapan
  2. Samarinda
  3. Bontang
  4. Tarakan


The main problem in this province is the illegal logging which destroyed almost all the rainforest. Less than half the original rainforest still remains, in places such as the Kayan Mentarang National Park in the northern part of the province.


East Kalimantan heavily depends on earth resources activity such as oilfield exploration, natural gas, as well as coal and gold mining. Balikpapan has an oil refinery plant that was primarily built by Dutch governance before World War II, destroyed during World War II, and rebuilt by Indonesia Governance.

Other developing economic sectors includes agriculture and tourism. East Kalimantan has several tourist destination such as Derawan Islands in Berau Regency, Kayan Mentarang National Park ini Nunukan, Crocodile Husbandry in Balikpapan, deer husbandry in Penajam, Dayak's (native Kalimantan people) Pampang Village in Samarinda and many others.

The main problem to developing economic growth is lack of transportation infrastructure. Transportation depends on traditional boats connecting coastal cities and areas along main river, Mahakam River.


  1. ^ INDONESIA: Population and Administrative Divisions. The Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (2003).
  2. ^ (2003) Indonesia's Population: Ethnicity and Religion in a Changing Political Landscape. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

South Kalimantan

South Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Selatan often abbreviated to Kalsel) is a province of Indonesia. It is one of four Indonesian provinces in Kalimantan - the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. The provincial capital is Banjarmasin.

The province has a population of 2.97 million (2000 census).


There are 11 regencies in South Kalimantan as listed below with their capitals:

Administrative cities: Banjarbaru

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Central Kalimantan

Central Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Tengah often abbreviated to Kalteng) is a province of Indonesia, one of four in Kalimantan - the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. Its provincial capital is Palangkaraya.

The province has a population of 1.80 million (2000 census). The population grew 2.7% annually between 1990 and 2000, one of the highest provincial growth rates in Indonesia during that time. Far more than other province in the region, Central Kalimantan is dominated by the Dayaks, the indigenous inhabitants of Borneo. The province was created in the late 1950s by subdividing South Kalimantan, in part to give the Dayak population greater autonomy from the Muslim population in the rest of that province.

Central Kalimantan is divided into 13 regencies:

and a city:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

West Kalimantan

West Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Barat often abbreviated to Kalbar) is a province of Indonesia. It is one of four Indonesian provinces in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. Its capital city Pontianak is located right on the Equator line.

The province has an area of 146,807 km² with the population of about 3.74 million people (2000 census). Major ethnic groups include the Dayak, Malay, Chinese, which make up about 90% of the total population. The rest are Javanese, Bugis, Madurese, and other ethnicities.

The borders of West Kalimantan roughly trace the mountain ranges surrounding the watershed of the Kapuas River, which drains most of the province. West Kalimantan is subdivided into two urban cities (kota) and ten rural regencies (kabupaten). The cities are Pontianak and Singkawang; the regencies are Sambas, Bengkayang, Pontianak, Ketapang, Landak, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Melawi and Kapuas Hulu. About 29 percent of the population lives in the Pontianak area.

There was a serious outbreak of communal violence in the province between indigenous Dayak and Madurese settlers in late 1996 and early 1997, resulting in about 500 deaths.


The history of West Kalimantan can be dated back to 17th century. Dayaks was the main inhabitants of the province before 17th century. The Malay migrated to West Kalimantan and built their own sultanates. The facts that there are many chinese population in this province was there used to be a republic built by chinese miners called Lanfang Republic after defeated the local Malay sultans. The government of Lanfang Republic was ended in West Kalimantan after the Dutch occupation in 1884. The Japanese occupied West Kalimantan from 1942 to 1945 until Indonesia declared its Independence.

West Kalimantan was the site of substantial fighting during the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation under the Sukarno government in the mid-1960s. After Suharto deposed Sukarno in 1965, the confrontation was quickly resolved. Domestic conflict continued, however, for another ten years between the new military Suharto government and fighters organized during the confrontation and backed by the banned Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kamis, 05 Juli 2007


Banten is a province of Indonesia, located at the western end of the island of Java. Banten has an area of 9,160.7 km² and population of 9,083,114 (2005). It is named after the former city Bantam (Indonesian: Banten).


Banten was known as a region which has been recognized since 14th century. Originally Banten is a port city which merchant ships from various regions visited. Arabs, Chinese, and European merchants were regular traders in the region.

In the year 1330, people have acknowledged a sovereign state which referred as Panten. In the following years the region was conquered by the Kingdom of Majapahit. At that period of time two strong empires ruled peacefully sharing regions of Indonesian archipelago; the well established and powerful Kingdom of Majapahit and the emerging Sultanate of Demak. During 1524-1525, merchants from Islamic regions were coming to Banten to spread the teaching of Islam while trading to make a living. These preachers have penetrated and introduced people the peaceful way of life of Islam and as result many people in the region embraced Islam as their belief.

Two centuries later, Kadipaten Banten was established at Surasowan on 8 October 1526. Then, during 1552–1570, Maulana Hasanudin ruled as the first Sultan of Banten.

In the present day, the area of Sultanate of Banten is a province. The province was established on 17 October 2000 through the Bill No. 23/2000, but the peak of celebration to the establishment happened on 4 October 2000 when tens of thousands of Bantenese came to the People's Representative Council (DPR) building at South Jakarta, at the same time as the plenary meeting of the parliament to authenticate the bill of forming the Province of Banten. Therefore the society of Banten mutually agree to set 4 October 2000 as day of the establishment of Banten Province.

Administrative division

Banten is subdivided into 4 regencies* (kabupaten) and 2 cities** (kota):

By http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banten


Jakarta(also Djakarta or DKI Jakarta), formerly known as Sunda Kelapa, Jayakarta and Batavia is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast of the island of Java, it has an area of 661.52 km² and a population of 8,792,000 (2004).[2] Jakarta was founded almost 500 years ago and currently is the eleventh largest city and metropolitan area and ninth most densely populated city in the world with 44,283 people per sq mile.[3] Its metropolitan area is called Jabotabek and contains more than 23 million people, and is part of an even larger Jakarta-Bandung megalopolis.

Jakarta is served by the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Since 2004, Jakarta, under the governance of Sutiyoso, has built a new transportation system, which is known as "TransJakarta" or "Busway" and in 2007, Jakarta will establish its newest transportation system, the Jakarta Monorail. Jakarta also is the location of the Jakarta Stock Exchange and the National Monument.


Dutch Batavia in the 17th Century, built in what is now North Jakarta

The earliest recorded mention of Jakarta is as a port of origin that can be traced to a Hindu settlement as early as the 4th century. By the 14th century, it was a major port for the Hindu kingdom of Sunda. The first European fleet, four Portuguese ships from Malacca, arrived in 1513 . Batzaush had been conquered by Alfonso d'Albuquerque in 1511 when the Portuguese were looking for spices and especially pepper.

The relationship between the Kingdom of Sunda and Portugal intensified when another Portuguese named Enrique Leme visited Sunda in 1522 with the intention of giving a present. He was well-received and as a result, the Portuguese gained rights to build a warehouse and expand their fort in Sunda Kelapa (the name of the location at the time). The Sundanese regarded this as a consolidation of their position against the raging Muslim troops from the rising power of the Sultanate of Demak in Central Java.[4]

In 1527, Muslim troops coming from Cirebon and Demak attacked the Kingdom of Sunda under the leadership of Fatahillah. The king was expecting the Portuguese to come and help them hold Fatahillah's army because of an agreement that had been in place between Sunda and the Portuguese. However, Fatahillah's army succeeded in conquering the city on June

22, 1557, and Fatahillah changed the name of "Sunda Kelapa" to "Jayakarta" ("Great Deed" or "Complete Victory").[4]

The Castle of Batavia, seen from West Kali Besar by Andries Beeckman circa 1656-58

The followers of the Sultan of Banten (the location of Jayakarta), Prince Jayawikarta, was also very involved in the history of Jakarta. In 1596, many Dutch ships arrived in Jayakarta with the intention of trading spices, more or

less the same as that of the Portuguese. In 1602, the British East India Company's first voyage, commanded by Sir James Lancaster, arrived in Aceh and sailed on to Bantam where he was allowed to build trading post which becomes the centre of British trade in Indonesia until 1682.[5] In this case, the Prince took the Dutch arrival seriously as the Dutch had constructed many military buildings. Prince Jayawikarta apparently also had a connection with the English and allowed them to build houses directly across from the Dutch buil

dings in 1615 . When relations between Prince Jayawikarta and the Dutch later deteriorated, his soldiers attacked the Dutch fortress which covered two main buildings, Nassau and Mauritus. But even with the help of 15 ships from the English, Prince Jayakarta's army wasn't able to defeat the Dutch, for Jan Pieterszoon Coen (J.P. Coen) came to Jayakarta just in time, drove away the English ships and burned the English trading post.

Batavia c.1870

Things then changed for the Prince, when the Sultan of Banten sent his soldiers and summoned Prince Jayawikarta to establish a close relationship with the English without an approval of the Banten authorities. The relationships between both Prince Jayawikarta and the English with the Banten government then became worse and resulted in the Prince's decision to move to Tanara, a small place in Banten, until his death. This assisted the Dutch in their efforts to establish a closer relationship with Banten. The Dutch had by then changed the name to "Batavia", which remained until 1942.[4]


Officially, Jakarta is not a city but a province with special status as the capital of Indonesia. It is administered much as any other Indonesian province. For example, Jakarta has a governor (instead of a mayor), and is divided into several sub-regions with their own administrative systems. Jakarta, as a province, is divided into five cities (kota) (formerly municipality (kotamadya)) each headed by a mayor and one regency (kabupaten) headed by a regent. List of

cities of Jakarta:

The only regency of Jakarta is:


As the economic and political capital of Indonesia, Jakarta attracts many foreign as well as domestic immigrants. As a result, Jakarta has a decidedly cosmopolitan flavor and a diverse culture. Many of the immigrants are from the

other parts of Java, bringing along a mixture of dialects of the Javanese and Sundanese languages, as well as their traditional foods and customs. The Betawi (Orang Betawi, or "people of Batavia") is a term used to describe the descendants of the people living around Batavia from around the 18th century. The Betawi people are mostly descended from various Southeast Asian ethnic groups brought or attracted to Batav

ia to meet labour needs, and include

people from various parts of Indonesia. The language and culture of these immigrants are distinct from those of the Sundanese or Javanese. There has also been a Chinese community in Jakarta for centuries. Officially they make up 6% of the Jakarta population, though this number may be under reported.[6]

Jakarta has several performance centers, such as the Senaya

n center. Traditional music is often found at high-class hotels, including wayang and gamelan performances. As the largest Indonesian city, Jakarta has lured much regional talent to relocate in hope of finding a greater audience and more opportunities for success.

The concentration of wealth and political influence in the city means that it has much more noticeable foreign influence on its landscape and culture, an effect illustrated by the presence in the city of many major international fast-food chains, for example.


There are railways throughout Jakarta; however, they are inadequate in providing transportation for the citizens of Jakarta. In peak hours, the number of passengers simply exceeds the capacity. The railroad tracks connect Jakarta to its neighboring cities: Depok and Bogor to the south, Tangerang and Serpong to the west, and Bekasi, Karawang, and Cikampek to the east. The major rail stations are Gambir, Jatinegara, Pasar Sen

en, Manggarai, Tan

ah Abang and Jakarta Kota.

The busway takes less than half an hour to traverse a route which would normally take more than an hour during peak hours. Construction of the 2nd and 3rd corridor routes of the busway was completed in 2006, serving the route from Pulogadung to Kalideres. The busway serving the route from Blok M to Jakarta Kota has been operational since January 2004.

Jakarta traffic

Despite the presence of many wide roads, Jakarta suffers from congestion due to heavy traffic, especially in the central business district. To reduce traffic jams, some major roads in Jakarta have a 'three in one' rule during rush hours, first introduced in 1992, prohibiting

less than three passengers per car on certain roads.

In 2005, this rule covered the Gatot Subroto Road.

This has presented an economic opportunity in that if there are only two people in the car, a "joki" (meaning "jockey") will offer to sit in the car as it travels through the restricted area. This currently costs around Rp5000, and there are many jockeys at every entry point to the restricted area.

To reduce traffic congestion, a new TransJakarta bus system was introduced.

Jakarta's roads are notorious for indisciplined driver behavior; the rules of the roa

d are broken with impunity and police bribery is commonplace. The painted lines on the road are regarded as mere suggestions as vehicles often travel four or five abreast on a typical two-lane r

oad and it is not uncommon to encounter a vehicle traveling the wrong direction in a given traffic flow. Furtherm

ore, in recent years the number of motorcycles on the streets has been growing almost exponentially, ensuring many a problem due to ill-disciplined motorcyclists. The vast sea of small, 100-200cc motorcycles, many of which have 2-stroke motors, create much of the traffic, noise and air pollution that plague Jakar


An outer ring road is now being constructed and is partly operational from Cilincing-Cakung-Pasar Rebo-Pondok Pinang-Daan Mogot-Cengkareng. A toll road connects Jakarta to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in the north of J

akarta. Also connected via toll road is the port of Merak and Tangerang to the west and Bekasi, Cibitung and Karawang, Purwakarta and Bandung to the east.

Two lines of the Jakarta Monorail are under construction: the green line serving Semanggi-Casablanc

a Road-Kuningan-Semanggi and the blue line serving Kampung Melayu-Casablanca Road-Tanah Abang-Roxy. In addition, there are plans for a two-line subway (MRT) system, with a north-south line between Kota and Lebak Bulus, with connections to both monorail lines; and an east-west line, which will connect with the north-south line at the Sawah Besar station. The current project, which began in 2005, has been halted due to a lack of funds and its future remains uncertain.

On 6 June 2007, the city administration started to introduce the Waterway, ane

w river boat servic

e along the Ciliwung river.[7] The move aims to reduce the traffic snarls in Jakarta. The two boat service, each with a capacity of 28 passengers travels 1.7 kilometres along the West Flood Canal between Halimun in South Jakarta and Karet in Central Jakarta.[8]

There are currently two airports serving Jakarta; They are Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) and Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport (HLP).

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is used for both private and commer

cial airliners con

necting Jakarta with other Indonesian cities. It is also Indonesia's main international gateway. The airport is divided into 3 separate terminals. Terminal 1 serves all domestic airliners except Garuda Indonesia. Terminal 2 serves all foreign carriers and Garuda Indonesia (both domestic and international routes). Terminal 3 serves solely for hajj pilgrimage flights. Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport serves mostly private and presidential flights.

Motorised bajaj


rickshaws, called becak, provide local transportation in the back streets of some parts of the city. From the early 1

940s to 1991 they were a common form of local transportation in the city. In 1966, an estimated 160,000 rickshaws were operating in the city; as much as fifteen percent of Jakarta's total workforce was engaged in rickshaw driving. In 1971, rickshaws

were banned from major roads, and shortly thereafter the government attempted a total ban, which substantially reduced their numbers but did not eliminate them. An especially aggressive campaign to eliminate them finally succeeded in 1990 and 1991, bu

t during the economic crisis of 1998, some returned amid less effective government attempts to control them.[9] The only place left in Jakarta where riding becak is permitted is the amusement park Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. The c

ycle rickshaw (becak) is now back in very low density numbers in Jakarta, but looks dramatically different than the old ones. Now they look almost like a cart with cycle

in the back without the paintings and artwork of the old becaks.


Museum Arsip (Archive Museum), one of the museums in Jakarta.

Jakarta is the home of many universities, the oldest of which is the private-owned Universitas Nasional (UNAS)[10], much of which has now relocated to Pasar Minggu.

There are also many other private universities in Jakarta. As the largest city and the capital, Jakarta houses a large number of students from various parts of Indonesia, many of whom reside in dormitories or home-stay residences. Similarly to other large cities in developing Asian coun

tries, there is a large number of professional schools teaching a wide range of subjects from Mandarin, English and computer skills to music and dance.

[citation needed] For basic education, there are a variety of primary and secondary schools, tagged with public (national), private (national plus) and international schools.


Jakarta is home of several soccer clubs. The most popular of them is Persija, which regularly plays its matches in the Lebak Bulus Stadium. The biggest stadium in Jakarta is the Bung Karno Stadium with a capacity of 100,000 seats[11]. For basketball, the Kelapa Gading Sport Mall in Kelapa Gading, Nor

th Jakarta, with a capacity of 7,000 seats, is the home arena of the Indonesian national basketball team. Many international basketball matches are played in this stadium. The Senayan sports complex is comprised of several sport venues, which include the Bung Karno soccer stadium, Madya Stadium, Istora Senayan, a shooting range, a tennis court and a golf driving range. The Senayan complex was b

uilt in 1959 to accommodate the Asian Games in 1962.



Jakarta has several daily newspaper such as Bisnis Indonesia, The Jakarta Post, Indo Pos , Seputar Indonesia, Kompas, Media Indonesia, Republik

a, Pos Kota, Warta Kota, and Suara Pembaruan.


Government television: TVRI.

Private national television: TPI, RCTI, Metro TV, Indosiar, StarANTV, SCTV, Trans TV, Lativi, Trans 7, and Global TV.

Local television: Jak-TV, O-Channel, and Space-Toon.

Cable television: Indovision, ASTRO, TelkomVision, Kabelvision


A trash dump in Bantar Gebang, Bekasi

Like many big cities in developing countries, Jakarta suffers from major urbanization problems. The population has risen sharply from 1.2 million in 1960 to 8.8 million in 2004, counting only its legal residents. The population of greater Jakarta is estimated at 23 million, making it the fourth largest urban area in the world. The rapid population growth has outgrown the government's ability to provide basic needs for its residents. As the third biggest economy in Indonesia, Jakarta has attracted a large number of visitors. The population during weekends is almost double that of weekdays, due to the influx of residents residing in other areas of Jabotabek. Because of government's inability to provide adequate transportation for its large population, Jakarta also suffers from severe traffic jams that occur almost every day. Air pollution and garbage management is also a severe problem.

During the wet season, Jakarta suffers from flooding due to clogged sewage pipes and waterways. Deforestation due to rapid urbanization on the highland areas south of Jakarta near Bogor and Depok has also contributed to the floods. Among the worst flooding ever occurred in late 1996[12][13] when approximately 65% of Jakarta's total area was flooded[citation needed]. In the floods of 2 February 2007[14], losses from infrastructure damage and state revenue were at least 5.2 trillion rupiah (572 million dollars) and at least 85 people were killed [15] and about 350,000 people forced from their homes. [16]. Approximately 70% of Jakarta's total area was flooded

Selasa, 03 Juli 2007


Lampung is a province of Indonesia, located on the southern tip of the island of Sumatra. It borders the provinces of Bengkulu and South Sumatra. The original inhabitant of Lampung is the "Lampung" tribe, who speak a distinct language from other people in Sumatra and have their own alphabet.

The province has a population of 6,654,354 (2000 census). A large portion of the current population of Lampung is descended from migrants from Java, Madura, and Bali. These migrants came both spontaneously, in search of more land than was available on the more densely populated islands, as well as part of the government's transmigration program, for which Lampung was one of the earliest and most important transmigration destinations.

Lampung is commonly known for its geographical instability in terms of earthquakes and volcanoes. On May 10 2005, a strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the richter scale struck the province. The historical volcano blast of Krakatau occurred in 1883, which resulted in disastrous consequences.

Lampung is divided into 8 regencies:

and 2 cities: Bandar Lampung and Metro

Some of the major produce in the country includes robusta Coffee beans, Cocoa beans, coconuts and cloves. This has resulted in a thriving agricultural sector with companies like Nestlé procuring coffee beans from the region. [2] In addition, Nata de Coco is also manufactured in the region by domestic companies like Wong Coco.


Bengkulu is a province of Indonesia. It is on the southwest coast of the island of Sumatra, and borders the provinces of West Sumatra, Jambi, South Sumatra and Lampung. The capital and largest city of the province is Bengkulu city. It was formerly the site of a British garrison, which they called Bencoolen.

The province has a population of 1,405,060 (2000 census). The province also includes Enggano Island.


The British East India Company established a long-running pepper-trading center and garrison at Bengkulu (Bencoolen) in 1685. In 1714 the British built Fort Marlborough in the city; the fort still stands. The trading post was never financially profitable for the British, hampered by a location Europeans found unpleasant, and, more importantly, an inability to find sufficient pepper to buy.

Despite these difficulties, the British persisted, maintaining the presence there for 150 years before ceding it to the Dutch as part of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 to focus attention on Malacca. Like the rest of present-day Indonesia, Bengkulu remained a Dutch colony until after World War II.

During Sukarno's imprisonment by the Dutch in the early 1930s, the future first president of Indonesia lived briefly in Bengkulu. Here he met his wife, Fatmawati, who gave him several children. The most famous being the first female President of Indonesia, Megawati Sukarnoputri.

Bengkulu lies near the Sunda Fault and is prone to earthquakes and Tsunamis. In June of 2000 a quake caused damage and the loss of at least 100 people. A recent report predicts that Bengkulu is "at risk of inundation over the next few decades from undersea earthquakes predicted along the coast of Sumatra" Indonesian Cities Lie in Shadow Of Cyclical Tsunami, S Andrew C. Revkin. New York Times (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: Dec 5, 2006. p. A.5


Coal mining is a major economic activity in Bengkulu. Three active coal mining companies produce between 200,000 and 400,000 tons of coal per year, which is exported to Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, and Northeast Asia.

Fishing, especially of tuna and mackerel, is an important activity. Agricultural products exported by the province include ginger, bamboo shoots, and rubber.

Bengkulu's people are depending in working at government. That's why, civil servant recruitment become hottest issue in this one of the poorest province in Indonesia, even Southeast Asia.

Administrative divisions

Bengkulu province is divided into 8 regencies (kabupaten) and 1 city (kota):

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia